Summer 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

Dallas World Aquarium

After playing late last night, we got up early and headed down to the World Aquarium around 10:00 this morning. It's an absolutely awesome place to visit, we hadn't been in about 2 years and it was time to go again, this time with my family from Kansas and Matt and Wendy. They have birds and monkeys and sea life such as fish, turtles, sharks, manatees, crocodiles and even jaguars and penguins. It's like an indoor zoo with a focus on water animals. We all enjoyed it thoroughly and while our 4 left around 1:30 the rest stayed an additional 45 minutes or so to take it all in. The four of us headed to a quick lunch at Herrera's (yummy) and then home just in time for Matt to gather his things for the game and for Eriq to gather his for the radio show. Then after the guys were off, Wendy and I ran to WalMart and then headed out to Graham, our 2 hour drive to the ball game. The seating area and field are nice there but there weren't as many Denton fans as we usually have at away game, too far for many and Matt had the night off so no homerun for him this time. The pitchers and hitters struggled toinght although Kevin got another homerun, wtg Kevin. Wendy showered sunflower seeds on us for entertainment and she "helped" a friend try and register for classes...that's another story. We lost the game 8-4 and then got Matt in the car to head home. Everything shuts down early in small town Texas so when we got to Jacksboro for dinner around 10:30 there was nothing open, we checked every town for 2 hours with no luck. I think we really wore Matt out, since he napped through most of the journey so we didn't stop at a gas station for whatever they had, we decided that he could sleep until we found a restaurant. We finally ate at the Whataburger in Denton because it was the first restaurant we found open between Graham and home. Thankfully then it was a short drive home after the meal as we were under 10 miles from home at that point. Tomorrow is a home game, yeah.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sandstormz, eggs and stolen cameras

What a day! We met the family over at Dave's for a cookout, Matt and Wendy came by and met everyone, then we all headed to the ballgame. It was an early game, 5:35 since it's Sunday but fortunately our weather is cooperating and it was a breezy 94 degrees. This was a game of good pitching with two Rice pitchers showing their skills but Kurt Pessa gave us a great game and our hitting put it together for a few runs in late innings to win. Then the after game party at Sandstormz Volleyball Club. If you've never been, you should check it out. They have 6 sand volleyball courts and they grilled burgers for the guys. Most of the team played on one court and I played with miscellaneous people, including Wendy, 2 on 2 and 3 on 3 and finally 4 on 4 but all great fun. However, a few hours of volleyball is bound to hurt tomorrow! It seems that everyone had a ton of fun though and it was a great way to celebrate after a win. Eriq had to leave to do some work so I caught a ride with Matt and Wendy and we were taking Aljay home when someone threw something striaght at the windshield, it seems to have been a balloon full of eggs and some liquid. Thakfully Matt was able to keep driving and get the windshield wipers working enough to clear most of the window off. Meanwhile, the family went to Taco Bell on the way home and had someone break into the car and steal the camera. It wasn't a good night to be in Denton. After getting Aljay home, and into his house, since he left his bag in someone else's car...we headed home. I hadn't eaten since lunch and was hungry so right after we got home, Matt and Wendy wanted to get a bite to eat so I joined in and went to ... Whataburger, where else? Hmmm...I don't think 6 hours of sleep is really enough but we have to leave the house by about 10 in the morning for the Dallas World Aquarium.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Grandpa

My grandpa and cousins and aunt and uncle are in town so Eriq and I headed down to my parents house for a celebration of grandpa's birthday. It was a fun day, seeing everyone, seeing how much Luke has grown in a week and playing pool volleyball. Now that's a workout and go figure, it's cooling down here, we barely broke 100 degrees. Then, it's time to head home to get ready for the game in Euless. I've invited Sharon to come so I give her a call on the way home. Wendy is taking Matt to the field so we take our time getting going. The game was not exactly exctiting, maybe because Matt wasn't in the field, he was DH tonight. We won though and Kevin had a homerun. The snow cones were cheap but I got one big blob of ice I had to fight to break up, that was another workout, no wonder I'm so tired tonight. Is it sad to get excited about eating somewhere other than Whataburger?! Since we're actually near other food and they're open late since it's a weekend, we stopped at Chicken Express, as did Kyle Jones, so that's who Matt was yelling 'I love you too' at through the window ;) Tomorrow is another long day so I'm off.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Wow! Tonight's game ended in the worst way ever. The first base umpire working the game made a horrible balk call while covering second base. After calling the balk, he moved over to first base to cover that position because he was not needed at second since that runner advanced to third. What caught him completely unawares, though, was that there was a runner on third, and his balk call plated the winning run for the Blue Sox. Not only could we not see any motion by the pitcher that might have lead to a balk call, but he wasn't even set. Even the home plate umpire couldn't believe that the call had been made. The fans and the other team were all silent, they didn't want to win that way either. We were completely surprised and speechless until the worst part happened, looking like he was appraoching the umpire at third to clariy, he just waled off the field and out of the stadium. Thankfully Wendy regained her wit and yelled appropriately at the umps as they "ran away" from the field. We were only up one run and they had men at second and third with only one out in the ninth, so they had a great chance of winning the game. I don't mind that we lost, but that was NOT the way it should have ended and yet another example of how much the umps for the TCL are horrible!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Off Day Mixer

Today is another off day, it's nice this week to have 2 again. After having the a/c guy out at about 9:30 this morning, yes everyone has to wake up early, we are still having cooling issues so we are waiting for him to come back but we're supposed to be at the Main Street Assn. mixer and there's another Mix & Mingle at the Texas Roadhouse for the players. We skip the first and in two cars, the 4 of us head over to the Roadhouse. Thankfully, we get Matt there because it's a low turnout being a weeknight at 5:00 and there are only 2 players, Matt and Brian, although there were 4 in each group and then an additional 6 employees/fans. Dinner was good as usual but then Eriq had to leave in a hurry to meet the a/c guy so I caught a ride home with Matt and Wendy, role reversal, Matt driving me :) Thankfully, it seems we're all about recovered from being sick over the weekend, my voice is back, we're just a bit sniffly around the house, but another off day helps and I get some scrapbook pages done before heading to bed. Matt, Wendy, Jose and Kelly head over to our Movie Tavern to see "Click" and enjoy the unlimited popcorn and drinks before they all return home for some sleep as well.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hump Wednesday

Today was just one of those days that you're glad when it ends. Basically, the whole press box was tired, in a funk, tired, not our normal goofy selves and then, unfortunately pitching had a meltdown at the end of the game. After being up 9 to 4 in the bottom of the 8th, we gave up 6 runs in the top of the 9th and didn't score in the bottom of the 9th to lose 11-9. That's a loss you just hate to take but a loss is not the end of the world and better yet, today is over!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Host driver again

I had a meeting at 9:00 this morning, then I ran errands and finally went by and ordered my personalized shirt with Matt's name and number. Yes, it's late, only a few weeks of the season left but better late than never right? My voice is coming back in the morning, but fades out again by the end of the day for the game tonight. So the fun part of today is that I get my second chance to take a player to a game. Jose didn't get a ride to the ballpark since his girlfriend is no longer in town, and his host family is still out of town, he doesn't have a car and he doesn't catch a ride with anyone else so he's stuck at the house when the bus leaves. Wendy and I are planning to go to the game anyway so I offer to take him with us. After Wendy returns from dropping Matt at the bus, we get ready and pick up Jose and head to Coppell for the game. It's a very sad thing not to be able to cheer for your players, but especially at an away game where there aren't as many fans for your team and your guys do so well! Matt hits 4 for 5 with a walk, I think he's felling better, Jose goes 2 for 5 with a homerun and 5 RBI! Glad I got him there for that, we won 8-4 and then Wendy, Matt, Jose and I headed home with a Sonic stop for dinner.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Magic Time Machine

If you've never been to the Magic Time Machine restaurant, you won't quite get this but here we go. Today was an off day, thank goodness for recovery time! Mostly Matt, Wendy and I slept and then picked up her rental car but tonight we decided to go out for real food (i.e. not Whataburger) and we invited Kelly along. So, the Time Machine waiters are all in costume, they assume a character (Jack Sparrow is my favorite) and we get Little Red Riding Hood as our waitress for the evening. She is a good reader of personalities and she figures right off that Kelly and Matt are the ones to pick on. After forgetting Matt's sprite, we come back from the salad car and he has a sprite with about 4 straws set together to form a couple foot long straw. Then, she comes by with a "sorry" balloon that she gives him to apologize. As Matt finishes his drink fast (as usual) she comes by and sees that so she next brings him an entire pitcher with about a dozen straws. After ordering the Roman Orgy-you have to get this-she jumps around the corner behind Kelly and lets go of several balloons which scares pretty much everyone but Eriq who saw her coming. I think we all enjoyed ourselves, the leftovers were crammed into about 7 boxes and yes Matt drank all of his pitcher of sprite. Then Eriq and I left while the "kids" headed out to meet Jose and Jessica for some ice cream. Tonight is her last night in town, she fliees back to California tomorrow morning so it's the last chance for them all to go out together.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


How do I even explain how tired I was (and am) today? Well, I woke up around 7:45, defintely feeling under the weather but not so much that I'm staying in bed. I threw Matt's uniform in the dryer, checked some email, did a few things, got the uniform folded and then decided to lay down because I just was exhausted. I fell asleep (which I never do during the day) and woke up a little bit hungry so I put a mint in my mouth and fell asleep before I finished it. Then Eriq woke me at 1:00 to tell me Matt needed to be at the field at 2:00, but I apparently fell asleep again immediately. Wendy came down to see if I was awake to take Matt, but after knocking on the door and calling my name (which I never heard) she told Matt he'd better find a ride, sorry Matt. I think I might really be sick, all that sleeping is not really like me and my voice is fading. Tonight was our first early game, 5:35 start and it's HOT. Thankfully we win the game despite giving up 3 runs in the 9th inning, we get the last out before they catch up to our 4 runs. After the game is the first post game party at Hooter's. We all decide to run home for quick showers before the party so we are not quite so disgusting for dinner. Wendy and I sit with Caleb Rodgers' dad and host dad but between the two of us (did I mention we share and she's getting sick as well?) we pretty much eat quietly while I try to talk with what voice I have left. The guys have a buffet and enjoy the time off together. Then Eriq and I left Wendy and Matt with Kelly so I could, guess what go to bed, so goodnight.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Texas Roadhouse

It's home game weekend here, we've got games Friday, Saturday and Sunday so today there's a Mix & Mingle for the guys at the Texas Raodhouse. I wasn't sure if Matt was going to feel up to going and since we share in this house, I seem to have gotten what Matt has so we can keep each other going. We had a nice lunch, mostly pitchers were there, but Jose and his girlfriend, who is also in town for the weekend, are there as well as Evan. Then we dropped Matt off at the field and he's not going to let coach keep him from playing so of course when we get to the game he's in the starting lineup as usual, sick or not. Miranda gets to be the guest announcer, a foul ball hits the bus window and shatters the corner of the second seat window, we go to extra innings again-thanks Wendy-but win on a walk off homerun by Evan in the 10th inning! Go Bigs!!! Final score 4-2, dinner and bed again...

Friday, July 14, 2006


It has to happen sometime, right? Matt started the day a bit more congested than normal and he actually was willing to take the "horse pills" I gave him so we knew he was serious about getting over it. Today, the plan was to head over to early batting practice and Wendy and I would stay for a while and then I was headed to meet Eriq at a DYP Mixer at Sandstormz Volleyball Club and then back over to the field for the end of the postponed game and the new game. Today was the hottest day we've had all summer. Wendy and I were just melting sitting in the shade of the press box at 3:30 in the afternoon. Welcome to Texas heat! I stayed until about 4:45 before heading over, we had finally gotten into the bathrooms for another water refill and Matt was going to take her to 7-11 during their break so I went on over to the party. Thankfully, we were inside for this one and I got to cool off with the a/c and drinks. I had a nice game of pool before time ran out and I ran back by the 7-11 for, you guessed it, more drinks before heading to the field. Game 1 started at 6:35 and went into extra innings again with another win. Then game 2 began and due to some incredible pitching by Weatherford, we split the games with a win and a loss. After the game wrap up on my part, I went down to meet Matt as usual but everyone had split since our guy who is always the last out of the dugout had come out ready to go, he was miserable. Guess who has the flu? To dinner and bed for everyone!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Welcome Wendy

Today Wendy got into town. The timing was great, Matt and I picked her up at the airport just after 1:00, not too early for the late sleeper. That gave us time to stop for a nice lunch at Mama's Daughter's Diner in Lewisville before heading to the field so Matt could catch the bus to Mineral Wells. On the way to the field, Evan's host mom called and said that he was stuck at the house with his keys and bag of equipment locked in his car. Matt was going to tell coach. After we dropped Matt off, Wendy and I headed to the house to get her settled in and our bags together for the road trip to Mineral Wells. We were having so much fun talking that I left my phone in the car, Wendy left hers on silent upstairs and we went out to the garden. That seems innocent enough but apparently right when we got home, Matt realized he needed his red jersey and he had left it at the house, so he tried to call me and then Wendy and then me again and neither of us would answer so he go worried. Then he tried to call Eriq, who wouldn't answer and finally he called Candiss who got Eriq to call me at home, but we were outside. That's when I realized I didn't have my phone and I had 16 missed calls from Matt and a text message, Wendy remembered to get her phone and had the same. We worried the poor guy to death. Both of us ALWAYS answer our cells and he was sure we had been in a car accident or something horrible had happened for neither of us to answer or return his calls or texts for about half an hour. And, on the way home, Evan had called and I told him I would be glad to take him with us to Mineral Wells since we were already going and to call me when he was headed to the house. He had also called during all of this and was almost to the house when we got ahold of him. So, after easing Matt's mind and grabbing his red jersey and getting Evan's gear in the car, we headed to the game. We got Evan there about 20 minutes before game time. Thankfully, the game was running fast early on as it went into 12 inning, with a 1-0 win finally due to some great pitching. Then, Evan, Matt, Wendy and I all headed home with a stop at Sonic for some Root Beer floats for the girls, a drink for Evan and food for Matt. What a day!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Thank goodness for off days!

I never thought I'd say that, because I get so used to having a game to go to at night. Here we are half way through the season and I'm glad to have the day off. I'm sure the boys are too! I got to work on my scrapbook and sort through the many pictures from the All Star Game last night. Best of all, I'm going to bed early. The major league all star game and my bed are calling me so here I go.

Monday, July 10, 2006

All Star Game

Today was the day. Our first All Star game since Josh wasn't eligible last year, this year we had Matt going, along with 8 other Outlaws, go team! The guys had to get all dressed up and leave on a bus at 11:45 to get to their special luncheon. Matt had a nice breakfast of Reece's pieces and Arizona iced tea to get him going and then got on the bus. After dropping him off, I had time to get home, straighten up a bit and pack up the car for the trip out to Weatherford. We arrived right around 4, when gates opened and took in a full evening and night of events including batting practice, infield presentations, the homerun derby and of course the game itself. Aside from the internet broadcast not working for Wendy and the announcer not EVER calling Matt's name in the field or at the plate and the fact that the coach put him in one inning too late, it was a good time. Jose's parents and 2 brothers drove in from California, they joined his host family, us, Candiss, our GM, and 2 other Outlaws employees, Stephen and Cody in the first two rows at the home side of the bleachers to cheer our guys on. We forgot the video camera but did buy a new card for the digital camera so we got a few short movies as well as about 170 pictures. Think that's enough? We were tired and sore so we left after the conclusion of the game, but the guys got to hang out for a fireworks show on the field. This was a long awaited day and we look forward to the year it's at our park.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Today was an off day and we took Matt and Kelly Quirk along with us to the Movie Tavern in Bedford for a day of pirates. There was a Bilge Pump concert and then "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" showing at the Tavern. It was definitely "an experience" with people all dressed up in various pirate type costumes. Matt like the mermaid. It took most of the day, leaving at 1:30 and getting home around 7:00 so then we grilled up some hamburgers and relaxed while Matt and Kelly went out for the night. The All Star game is tomorrow!

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Well if you read the title you know the ending, but let me start at the beginning. Today I went down to DeSoto for a baby shower for Luke. It was nice to see Johanna among others. Then we headed to the folks house for some family time with Daniel. We ate pop rocks and threw pop caps at each other. Then I went for a quick swim before heading home to make the trip out to Graham, traffic wasn't cooperating but I did make it home in time to leave for the game. Graham is about 1 hour and 45 minute drive so we don't go out there for most games but aren't we glad we made this one! We start with Matt hitting a foul right off his knee, which knocked him right to the ground, very scary to watch. He limped around a bit but shook it off and got a nice single. Then, in his next at bat, he comes up with 2 men on and yes, hits a homerun!!! Go MATT! After 2 deep fly balls last night, it was beautiful to see one go out. That scored runs 2, 3 and 4 and we went on to win the game 9 to 3, so he actually scored the winning run, as we didn't need the additional 5 we put up later in the game. He hit 2 for 4 with guess what, another hit by pitch, making his total officialy 9 for the season. This week has been incredible for him, making the All-Star team, having his mom and sister's surprise visit, getting a baseball scholarship for next year and then a homerun. The game was even a fast one at just under 2 1/2 hours so here we are, home before midnight even after the drive. Thanks for the great week Matt, keep up the good work.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Scrapbooking Day

Angie, Cindy, Julie and I went to Scrapbook Warehouse today to work together. Sharon as well as the girls, Angel, Ashley and Lauren joined us for a day of fun and photos. We worked from around 10:00 until about 4:30. We had fun sharing photos, stickers, papers and stories. Julie and Angie grabbed us a great lunch at a place I'd never been, they have some tasty dipping sauce. Then I dropped Angie off and grabbed my baseball bag to head down to Coppell. This is the second to last field I have to visit to have seen all 9 in the league. Traffic is horrible coming home but fortunately not bad headed down to the Coppell field. I beat Cindy and the girls and Candiss to the field and I watch a little bp before the game. This team is our biggest challenge with the best record in the league. We struggled to score runners, even after Aljay and Matt get on base in the top of the first. Matt goes 2 for 5 and Aljay hits a homerun but we are unable to pull it out and take a 5 to 2 loss. The game is fast and since I'm taking Angel home, I offer a ride to Matt and Jose, who accept and we stop at Sonic for some "real" food, not the pizza they got on the bus. It's early so Matt, Jose and Kelly are going out and I'm going to wrap up here.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fast game

Today was one of the fastest games ever at 2:41. Brian was slated to start at 3b and Matt at SS, but at the last minute, Thomas came in at SS and Matt went back to 3b. The team started slow but came back with a win 4 to 1. Matt, along with 4 other Outlaws, got hit by a pitch and several walked to score 4 runs on only 5 hits. Thankfully, none were particularly bad hits, we shouldn't have any more injuries from those like previous ones. Great news, Matt found out today that he's got a scholarship for next year, congrats, that's awesome!!! Matt and I went to Sonic for something different and guess who shows up? The Felan's with Jose of course, but they take it to go so we still get a little quiet outside time. That's it for now, off to bed so I can have a full day of scrapbooking and baseball tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rain Out

The Bandas left this morning so it's back to "normal" for about a week. Time today to clean, run errands, relax and start getting ready for scrapbooking tomorrow. I uploaded a few more pictures and then went and ran to get them and pick up a few necessities. Then after getting All-Star game tickets ordered, having a chat with Dan, who got in from China last night, and visiting my nephew, I get ready to head to the away game in McKinney. Unfortunately, due to rain, Angie, Angel and I are only a few minutes away from their house when Matt calls to tell us that the game has been cancelled. For two days we've had off and on storms and this one gives us a day off from games, allowing me to listen to Josh's game up in Idaho. He hits his second professional homerun, go Josh!!! I'm going to bed early now.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


What Matt didn't know before tonight's game was that his mom and sister were planning to make it to the game on their way from California to North Carolina. Thanks to Wendy we were able to coordinate getting them to the game on time. They arrived just in time to see Matt before the game. He was quite surprised when Eriq called him over and pointed them out, we got another startled jump out of him with that. :) Jose gave us the show with a homerun early in the game and then took a hit on the elbow again. After the game, Matt rode with his mom over to dinner and we had a long, enjoyable time eating and chatting with Juston Street, Jose and the Felans, the Bandas, Matt and his mom and sister and the two of us. Then we took them to the hotel and headed home for the night. What a way to end the 4th of July!

Independence Day

After another late night, this time at the Rangers game, we got up early this morning to get the boys to the parade. Eriq took Matt and Jose about 7:30 am and the Banda's and I picked up Jose's jersey around 8:30 and dropped it off before the parade started at 9:00. The parade is fun, Coach Dillard, Jose and Matt sit in the back of the truck and throw out candy to the kids, then we head over to the office to head home. We go out for a birthday breakfast for Gayle at IHOP and then head over to the old field to see how much it's changed. Then, it's back to sleep for most of the crew, back to work for Eriq and well, blogging for me. The clouds are rolling in and we hope not to have a rainout tonight for the Banda's last game.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

"Nicest" Bus

I made Javanese dinner for the group today, everyone was good and piled most of the toppings on. Then the Banda's headed for WalMart and I dropped off Matt and Jose at the field. As we got close, they noticed the bus, they said it was the nicest looking bus yet, they were impressed. Matt just called and the bus broke down, the nicest bus! :)
The guys were a bit late, but after a mechanic fixed the blown fuse, they made it to the field at 6:39, the game started at 7:20 instead of 7:05. The Mineral Wells pitcher was their ace and he was just on. Our guys battled back but couldn't quite catch up and lost 4 to 3. That is a LONG drive!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Balloon Elbow

The second game of the Banda's trip was tonight, Matt doesn't start the game with a (really) swollen elbow thanks to getting hit by a pitch last night. Plano's pitcher (Bill Purdy) has an incredible game going 7 innings and allowing 5 runs. Matt comes in to pinch run in the bottom of the 8th and then takes right field, yep, another position for Matt, for the top of the 9th. We try to go to Krystal burger but they closed a few minutes early so we go back to Whataburger for our after game meal.