Summer 2006

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Rain, rain, go away

Yes, it is strange to think in a time of drought that I don't want any rain but so far, every playoff game in Denton has had a rain delay. Tonight's game was no exception. Scheduled start time was 7:35, actual start time (after two storms moved through) was 9:05. Thankfully it's a Saturday night but Matt is seriously bored, not being able to play and all the other guys are ready for a game that they need to win and I'm just exhausted to start so it's a rough way to begin. Finally the rain stopped, the field was cleared and the game began. The McKinney pitcher threw an incredible game, striking out a record 19 batters, including two of our guys 4 times each. Needless to say, we did lose the game and thus ends the season. It is a frustrating way to go, with several injured players and tough losses, but it was another incredible season for these guys and they did good to get to the Championships 2 years in a row! And the good news for us is that Matt seems to be getting around better tonight than he was this morning, great for him and his recovery and he doesn't have to sit on sidelines anymore as there are no games left. It is everyone's last night together so the Hunt's, Felan's, Kelly, Jose, and Matt all join us at IHOP for one last meal together. It's a good time, even though we had the strangest waiter and it sure took a long time for food at 1 am! Ask Kelly about the waiter sometime. By 2:00, the families head home and the guys head over to Craigs for their last team gathering. Many of the guys are headed out tomorrow morning for home or school so they have their last chance to be together tonight. I've finished Matt's scrapbook (yeah) and now I will get a few hours of sleep before we take Matt and Jose to the airport around 9:00.


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