Summer 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006

All Star Game

Today was the day. Our first All Star game since Josh wasn't eligible last year, this year we had Matt going, along with 8 other Outlaws, go team! The guys had to get all dressed up and leave on a bus at 11:45 to get to their special luncheon. Matt had a nice breakfast of Reece's pieces and Arizona iced tea to get him going and then got on the bus. After dropping him off, I had time to get home, straighten up a bit and pack up the car for the trip out to Weatherford. We arrived right around 4, when gates opened and took in a full evening and night of events including batting practice, infield presentations, the homerun derby and of course the game itself. Aside from the internet broadcast not working for Wendy and the announcer not EVER calling Matt's name in the field or at the plate and the fact that the coach put him in one inning too late, it was a good time. Jose's parents and 2 brothers drove in from California, they joined his host family, us, Candiss, our GM, and 2 other Outlaws employees, Stephen and Cody in the first two rows at the home side of the bleachers to cheer our guys on. We forgot the video camera but did buy a new card for the digital camera so we got a few short movies as well as about 170 pictures. Think that's enough? We were tired and sore so we left after the conclusion of the game, but the guys got to hang out for a fireworks show on the field. This was a long awaited day and we look forward to the year it's at our park.


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