Summer 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006

Magic Time Machine

If you've never been to the Magic Time Machine restaurant, you won't quite get this but here we go. Today was an off day, thank goodness for recovery time! Mostly Matt, Wendy and I slept and then picked up her rental car but tonight we decided to go out for real food (i.e. not Whataburger) and we invited Kelly along. So, the Time Machine waiters are all in costume, they assume a character (Jack Sparrow is my favorite) and we get Little Red Riding Hood as our waitress for the evening. She is a good reader of personalities and she figures right off that Kelly and Matt are the ones to pick on. After forgetting Matt's sprite, we come back from the salad car and he has a sprite with about 4 straws set together to form a couple foot long straw. Then, she comes by with a "sorry" balloon that she gives him to apologize. As Matt finishes his drink fast (as usual) she comes by and sees that so she next brings him an entire pitcher with about a dozen straws. After ordering the Roman Orgy-you have to get this-she jumps around the corner behind Kelly and lets go of several balloons which scares pretty much everyone but Eriq who saw her coming. I think we all enjoyed ourselves, the leftovers were crammed into about 7 boxes and yes Matt drank all of his pitcher of sprite. Then Eriq and I left while the "kids" headed out to meet Jose and Jessica for some ice cream. Tonight is her last night in town, she fliees back to California tomorrow morning so it's the last chance for them all to go out together.


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