Friday, June 30, 2006
The Banda's arrive today. We play Duncanville at home and I start my new job as official scorekeeper. The game is incredibly long and hard to score due to several double changes in defensive endings. The Outlaws win 17 to 5 including 5 hit batters, among them Matt. We join the Felan's and Jose for the traditional after game meal at Whataburger, and Matt entertains us by washing his hands in the women's restroom!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Dave & Buster's

It's on off night again. Jose's parents leave for their flight back to California and Eriq's at work so I offer to take Matt and Jose out. We head down to Dave & Buster's at Walnut Hill. We like to play there every so often. The College World Series is on and there's no dragging these two away from it. You can't imagine how tense 2 basebally players can get when it's not them playing! After some dinner and the final game with Oregon State winning, the boys get to using their cards to shoot some hoops and then buy some candy with the tickets they earned. I enjoyed watching them, I think they had a pretty good time too for a night off anyway...even if they have to stop at WalMart with me on the way home.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Got ya!
There's a nice hill with steps of sorts out behind our field. You can climb the hill and go for a little hike through the bushes and often the children run around up and down the hill. Today, we arrive early and I guess I just needed a little exercise since I've been out of boot camp for about 4 weeks now so I go for a run up the hill. It's reminiscent of my childhood field behind the house and I'm having a great time. I realize that you can really see the field well from here and the guys are warming up so I stop to take a picture. Right at that moment, Matt turns around and sees me standing in the bushes. He does this little startled jump and then goes back to throwing the ball. I laughed so hard! I took a few pictures, got scratched up by some little pokey plants and headed back down to the seats. I'll go back up the hill again but next time in pants or at least watching where I'm walking...I did find a few balls hidden under trees while I was wandering. It's worth another visit.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Duncanville and more
There's another away game at Duncanville. This time my friend Anna is going to join us at the game. Jean Tom comes along as I drive this time. It is a very frustrating game with bad calls from the umps but it's nice to visit with Anna again. We do end up with a win despite the umps missing ball 4 on Evan among other things. As we get ready to leave, Jose's mom falls on the stairs and sprains her ankle. She has to be carried out the front gate because the Duncanville team has locked up the fence exit by our bus. Thankfully, everyone else makes it home safely and it's time for bed after such a night!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Double Header

Today was the scheduled double header against Weatherford. For fun before the game Matt started pitching and catching practice. Nah, he's not a pitcher or catcher, but it was fun to watch. We started at 5:05 and were set to play two 7 inning games back to back. We ended one game in a 3 to 2 win with a run scoring in the last inning to put us on top but then as game 2 started, the storms started to move it. We had quite a lightning show. There wasn't rain but the lightning and thunder were approaching as we got under way. In the 5th inning, game was suspended due to the weather. After a short break we got under way again scoring one run in the bottom of the 5th to tie the game at 2-2. However, after 1 more inning of scoreless play, the game was posptponed as the storm was moving too close. We gathered everything and headed to Whataburger with the Landrys and Felans. As we started driving, the rain just dumped out of the sky and we had a real Texas storm for these 3 California boys, you should have seen how big their eyes got! We enjoyed the show from our seats and then headed home, the game will be finished on July 14th.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Today, grandpa Hillyard came into town for the weekend. He gets to meet Luke for the first time but he stops in for the evening at our house. Eriq has people flying in from all over the world for the SBS conference so grandpa and I take off for the game in Euless. This is one of those things that you look back on and laugh but at the time it's not so funny. I got the wrong address for the field and so we got down to it and it wasn't there. Then I found out where it was and the road was closed. Finally we arrived (only a few minutes late) and were able to watch the game. Despite an early lead in the first inning, we can't hold it and the game goes as a loss. The interesting thing about this game is that Matt goes a high 3 times hit by pitch, although credited as 2 hit by pitch and one walk. After introducing grandpa to Matt, the 2 of us head home. Again, I took the wrong roads, but we still manage to get home in one piece, however someone banged my door while I was in Euless so now I have a white ding in my car door. What a trip!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Cookout 2

We had a cookout when Josh arrived and now it's time for Matt's first cookout. We invited some host families and players as well as Candiss to join us for the evening. I got my new camera in the mail today, so I will be taking LOTS of pictures at our event. The weather is nice enough for us, plenty warm but a bit breezy, just enough to make it comfortable. Brett Lewis, Jose Hernandez, and Evan Bigley join Matt along with their host families and also the Landrys. The cookout involves lots of eating, Tanner and Ryan running screaming from a "big butterfly", Ashley tumbling down the hill, Eriq crawling through the bushes for Chip's sunglasses and Hudson trying to reach (and eat) everything, among other fun. All in all, it's a good evening off with food and friends.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Alma Mater
Today's away game was at Duncanville's Panther Stadium. I haven't been back to that school since I graduated from high school. It's a very nice field and an easy enough drive, at least it's familiar. I rode with the Felan's and sat with several other Denton fans in the stands. Our bats explode again for another win, this time 11 to 3. Aljay hits another 3 for 4, Evan 3 for 6 with a HR, Jose hits 3 for 3, Kevin and Thomas both go 2 for 4 to pound out the win. It's bats over pitching in this game to beat the previously undefeated Deputies. Then, it's put the kids on the bus and we get to go out for a late dinner.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Home Win - Finally!
We finally go the win tonight at home! We needed that, it's more fun to win at home. They guys just hit away for the win. Aljay, Kevin, Trevor, Kyle Jones and Kelly each go 2 for 4, Evan goes 3 for 5, and Matt goes 3 for 4 to finish with a 10-7 win. Way to go guys!!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Matt's first game

Matt's first game is today, it's a home game against Euless. Matt gets the start at 3rd, forget playing 2nd or SS where he's used to, he's a versatile player. We lose a close game but the team is coming together. Thankfully, Matt and Jose played together this past season at Long Beach State as we've become attached to his host family. We all head to dinner after the game, this time at Sonic.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Welcome Matt
How about this? I drop Josh off at the airport this morning early, sending him back to Long Beach, CA to sign all his papers before he gets shipped off to play in Pasco, Washington. Then, I run to do a little curriculum work in Carrollton. In Long Beach, Josh arrives and sees Matt and Wendy arriving for his flight to Texas. After getting the room ready for it's new occupant, Eriq and I head back to DFW airport to get Matt and bring him home for the first time. They never got to stay together or play together again (since OCC) but they pass in Long Beach. Great timing! It's an off night fortunately as Matt's flight doesn't get in until about 9:30 and his luggage took forever to come out, so we're still headed home as late as usual.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What a day! Starting at the beginning, I went to the scrapbook convention today to work on some baby books for little Luke. I got a late start but once there, mom, Sharon and her mom, Terri, Cheryl and I all get settled in and work a few hours before THE call. Josh has gotten drafted by the Colorado Rockies! It's such incredible news, we're thrilled for him but that means he's leaving us to go play minor league ball. He has to fly out first thing tomorrow morning so I pack up and head home so I can get to his last Outlaws game. We're playing in Plano tonight so I get home in time to grab the baseball bag and head to the game. Josh does well again as usual, going 2 for 5 with another RBI. He gets a nice double off of a bunt, yes, off of a bunt, I have video...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Opening Day

The day we have been waiting for since last August! Oh yeah, it's draft day as well, so we're waiting for that call from Josh's advisor and hoping he'll get the call but also hoping he'll get to start tonight. It's tough to want both at the same time, we're watching draft tracker all day. Go Eddie, he gets taken early. Josh goes on to practice still waiting for that call. We pack up our things and head to the field early to get settled into our seats for this year. We pick the seats on the top row right behind home plate, next to the press box. The best of everything from here. Miss Texas sang the National Anthem and we're under way. Josh goes 2 for 4 with an RBI, good way to start, we're proud "parents" as usual. Jose is the other one on the team going 2 for 4, we pick some good California boys for our team.
Whataburger time
Josh's favorite place to eat in Texas is Whataburger so we must make it after the game. Jose and his host family join us as well for an after game meal. We have to start getting used to this, meals are now around 2 pm and 11:30 pm starting today! It's always hard at first to adapt to this schedule but we'll get there with time. This is our "family" for now, Matt will arrive on Thursday.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Kickoff Party

Today was the first practice for all the guys that are here. In the evening, families, players and staff gather for a kickoff party at Rudy's BBQ, the new vendor for the 2006 Outlaws home games. It's a chance for the host families and players to meet and get to know each other and for returning players to reunite over good food. Josh and Jose haven't played together in about 4 years, they catch up here too.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Early to rise

Can you believe it? Josh got up early to get to the field by 8:00 for physicals. All the pitchers and some position players met to head down to Plano for their team physical. That gives us a little down time while the guys are gone to prepare for the cookout. We've invited some neighbors and "baseball" friends over to meet our players, Matt's not here yet but Josh is and we invite another player, Evan Bigley, to the party. It's a great time to enjoy good food and good company and get ready for baseball season. We wore Josh out with all the food and parties, he crashed on the couch by 9 pm.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Josh arrives!
Our first player arrived today. Welcome back Josh! He'll have a few days to get settled before the first game on June 6th. We took him straight from the airport to a neighbor's barbeque across the street. We are so excited, it has been so long since last year's season ended and I haven't seen Josh before today since Oklahoma City in April, it's been a long time. Here we go...